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Municipal Boundaries, First quarter update for 2023 (2 min)
We begin 2023 with many cities jumping out to get a head start on the year with multiple annexation for them. Heber City led the way with four in three months. This put the state off to a good start f
Trailheads, a Collaborative Approach (4 min)
At UGRC, we serve up datasets from a vast array of sources. Some, like municipal boundaries, are created in-house. Others are pulled from a single steward, like the land ownership data maintained by S
Utah Crushes Broadband Challenge through Collaboration (5 min)
Among the many lessons the Covid-19 pandemic taught us, we learned two things about high-speed internet. First, high download upload speeds are necessities in the modern world. Second, figuring out w
Base maps: Out With the Old, In With the New (2 min)
It has been almost a decade since UGRC has updated the look and feel of any of the base maps but changes are on the way! The current suite of base maps were originally authored in ArcMap. These projec
Utah SGID Statewide Roads Data Layer Updates (1 min)
UGRC recently completed updates to the SGID Roads feature class. Please visit our data page where you will find information about the Roads data model, as well as direct download links to the SGID Ro
Municipal Boundaries Final update for 2022 (4 min)
It is the end of another long year and, ready or not, 2023 is here. It was another year of growth for the state which has slowed down some. The top contributors were Utah and Cache County once again w
Python Shorts: Loading an Open SGID Layer into pandas (3 min)
There are a you can access data from the Open SGID. However, these all require some form of desktop client application. What if you want programmatic access to our spatial data? Because the Open SGID